PS (which in my case is going to Pre scriptum ) exception, and just this week due to emergence of a greedy heart, my usual Wednesday column The advice of the nutritionist Friday and you will find the advance that will be discussed in fish, as they say the bloggers cosmopolitan stay tuned!
But back to us ... This blog will change very existence. I, the least romantic person on earth (well one can not be all-pucci pucci ...), but not what Valentine's Day idea for you found in a Saturday afternoon, instead of going to go crazy in the shop with some clothing & co, go to department stores looking for something to cook (which is a pasta bowl or a mold or pan does not matter) that has the heart-shaped. And all this why? Because obviously she likes the contest and that of dear Elifla not want to miss if you ... And so, after the selection and purchase of various accessories (that you had never come to the case with the only thing planned. "No I do not take the truck so I do not need anything" and then added to the case as the last in a line-mileage is Saturday afternoon do not forget it-with his hands and some bulging package wedged between the neck and sternum and air to the victim hope to soften up and who's nice to get him to utter the words "walk, too, that I see beautiful office ...) I run into the heart-shaped cookies cut in various sizes ... "Well, they may do just fine in my case!"
And once a house is to look at what has already been done (never a time that my recipe for a contest is one of the first fact in this case they already have reached more than ninety, but d ' Moreover, each has his day) and glancing through some old magazine will enlighten. So, in an old issue I see a salt and pepper and sweet that inspires me a lot. I decided then that I will make a cake in the shape of hearts that it will be similar to that of the magazine, but very different in content.
As recently was handed to me at home quite a package containing six delights of Rigoni di Asiago I wanted to try one of their jam and I already knew that I was sure that combined with the cream chocolate and the delicious shortbread biscuits crisp, would give the best. This is the jam of their line Fior di Frutta to bitter orange .
Una marmellata dal sapore divino e con i pezzettini di scorza dell’arancia all’interno.
Una marmellata preparata con prodotti biologici come tutte le altre confetture della linea Fior di Frutta.
Una marmellata senza zuccheri aggiunti che viene dolcificata con succo di mele selvatiche e per questo consigliata anche nelle diete.
Una marmellata cotta a “bassa tenperatura” per far si che i Sali minerali, le vitamine e l’aroma della frutta biologica rimangano inalterati.
...e non potete capire che bontà che era spalmata sui miei cuoricini di frolla e che armonia creava con la crema al cioccolato. Una vera delizia!!!Da provare assolutamente!!!
P.S. ( e qui sta per Post scriptum ): Contrariamente a quello che si può pensare guardando le foto, questo dolce non è assolutamente complicato da mangiare e bastarà procedere per piani. E se sulle dita dovesse finirci un pò di crema al cioccolato...Bè pensate alla pubblicità delle Fonzies " se non ti lecchi le dita, godi solo a metà ;-p" ...
P.S. ( e qui sta per Post scriptum ): Contrariamente a quello che si può pensare guardando le foto, questo dolce non è assolutamente complicato da mangiare e bastarà procedere per piani. E se sulle dita dovesse finirci un pò di crema al cioccolato...Bè pensate alla pubblicità delle Fonzies " se non ti lecchi le dita, godi solo a metà ;-p" ...
Ingredients for a cake 4 floors, one 3 and a few little heart single
For hearts
- 80 g flour 00 g butter 30
- 30 grams of sugar
- a tip of teaspoon vanilla 1 egg
- 1 pinch of salt
- icing sugar to sprinkle to taste
- jam bitter orange Rigoni di Asiago qb
For the chocolate cream:
- 1 egg 1 cup milk (I skimmed)
- a spoon granulated sugar 1
- spoon flour 00
- 25 g dark chocolate (I 70%)
Sift flour on a pastry board and add the sugar, salt and butter into cubes. Working with the tips of dita fino ad ottenere un composto bricioloso. Unire velocemente il tuorlo, impastare brevemente formare una palla, avvolgerla nella pellicola trasparente e metterla in frigo per 30 minuti(sarà un composto abbastanza duro e che tenderà a sbriciolarsi un po’).
Estrarre la pasta dal frigo e metterla tra due fogli di pellicola trasparente(in questo modo sarà molto più semplice stenderla sottile). Con l’aiuto di un matterello stenderla ad uno spessore di 2-3 mm. Con dei taglia biscotti a forma di cuore(io questi così magari vi regolate con le misure se li avete uguali) ricavarne dei biscotti di dimensioni decrescenti. Io ho ricavato 2 cuori con il taglia biscotti più grande; 4 cuori with the now smaller, even smaller with the 4 and 4 with the penultimate and last two of four hearts were in turn cut the center with a little more heart to heart is that the higher you could see the filling jam.
With the remaining dough, I tried to get other hearts of various sizes.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Place hearts on a baking tray covered with baking paper and cook for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove the drip pan, cool them and remove them from the paper very gently because they are extremely fragile and crisp.
When cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar, take those of the same size and make it stick smeared with jam.
Prepare chocolate cream
Turn continuously until the cream will mention it to a boil and thicken. Turn off the heat and pour in the chocolate. Stir vigorously and in a short time the chocolate has melted and the cream will have assumed a uniform light brown color. Transfer to a plate and let cool, stirring occasionally to avoid formation of the unsightly cuticles on the surface.
Assemble the cake ( only when serving and not before, because otherwise the chocolate cream will tend to make less crisp cookies ).
Parties shall base as the two hearts united by the greatest jam. Spread a generous layer of chocolate cream and cover with the couple of biscuits just smaller in size. Continue this until the couple put up a smaller hearts and the little hole in the center. Forming the other pie in the same way. Dust again with powdered sugar and serve immediately.
Obviously with this recipe I participate in the romantic contest di Elifla , Hart to Hart .
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