A hit at once, had his eyes very dark, deep, shelled. And the hair: liscissimi, the blackest black that is. A boundary of a perfect oval Mediterranean, surrounded by a circlet of gold earrings.
When Sarah came in the sixth grade, now in the last millennium, in my room, was his mother. He appeared so composed and polite, with a friendly smile at all denied by too many broken teeth. I said we labored long, and I her.
There was indeed a problem. Ever since he was born a little brother - in third grade - make the woman, Sara to school, struggling to go. Do not want to leave my mother. He's afraid. What, it was not clear. For Sara, it was difficult to explain even to herself.
began a long ordeal. For me, I feel like a useless Cireneo women. But especially for Sarah, for his mother and his family. Sara is and is not. Is missing and two days a week. When there is the ideal pupil. Diligent, careful, studious. But the absences are endless. The first year, however, with difficulty, is promoted.
There was indeed a problem. Ever since he was born a little brother - in third grade - make the woman, Sara to school, struggling to go. Do not want to leave my mother. He's afraid. What, it was not clear. For Sara, it was difficult to explain even to herself.
began a long ordeal. For me, I feel like a useless Cireneo women. But especially for Sarah, for his mother and his family. Sara is and is not. Is missing and two days a week. When there is the ideal pupil. Diligent, careful, studious. But the absences are endless. The first year, however, with difficulty, is promoted.
A anno dopo si ricomincia. Con lo stesso problema. Stavolta la frequenza si dirada. Adesso, su mia proposta, la ragazza รจ seguita dall’Asl. Da una accogliente psicologa. Con la quale facciamo il punto, ogni tanto. La ragazza fatica ad elaborare le assenze, a staccarsi dalla madre, dal fratellino. Pare che porti anche il peso di un lutto non dichiarato: la scomparsa improvvisa di uno zio, fratello di mamma, sparito nel nulla, alcuni anni fa.
Nonostante l’aiuto, Sara rimane in seconda. Troppe le assenze: “Mancano i presupposti per la promozione in terza media”, recita l’impietoso giudizio finale.
L’anno dopo, ancora in seconda. Terzo anno nella scuola. Secondo anno of rhythmic attending ASL.
everyone does their part: the psychologist accepts it, enjoy it, directs. The classmates love her. Teachers do their best. I continue to support her, and especially his mother. Daughter who suffers from this as well. He says that too much like his father. Closed. Lonely. Stubborn.
also know as the father. A man all eyes and whiskers blacks. Equal to her daughter. A man of few words. "I, I can do ... ..". This is his litany, as often is.
In February, Sara stops almost all school attendance.
All agree, give it a try in extremis: the student, in March, retires. We will help you prepare for your examination by external candidates.
Sara seems to be taking new fervor. Programs with two copies of all materials. I tell her to take care of the very oral. It comes to exams. A script is fine. The other a bit 'less. At oral argument, virtually silent scene. Thumbs down by the President of the committee: "We can not give a diploma so ..."
The psychologist and I feel a little bit, a little 'time, defeated.
Sara is entered, without illusions, to an evening class. That, as we fear, does not attend at all. Meanwhile, he turned sixteen. Disappears from our horizon.
But two years later, the good news. E 'Sarah's mother to proclaim: The mother, meanwhile, brought his son, the little boy in sixth grade. Sara has remade by external examinations. This time we did it, great. But it is the achievement of eighth grade, the only good news. The woman, in her usual sweet smile, tells me that Sarah is calmer, now out on its own, that maybe she has a boyfriend who loves you ...
They spend four more years. His brother, now ex-small, has left the "Caesar" with its good diploma.
All agree, give it a try in extremis: the student, in March, retires. We will help you prepare for your examination by external candidates.
Sara seems to be taking new fervor. Programs with two copies of all materials. I tell her to take care of the very oral. It comes to exams. A script is fine. The other a bit 'less. At oral argument, virtually silent scene. Thumbs down by the President of the committee: "We can not give a diploma so ..."
The psychologist and I feel a little bit, a little 'time, defeated.
Sara is entered, without illusions, to an evening class. That, as we fear, does not attend at all. Meanwhile, he turned sixteen. Disappears from our horizon.
But two years later, the good news. E 'Sarah's mother to proclaim: The mother, meanwhile, brought his son, the little boy in sixth grade. Sara has remade by external examinations. This time we did it, great. But it is the achievement of eighth grade, the only good news. The woman, in her usual sweet smile, tells me that Sarah is calmer, now out on its own, that maybe she has a boyfriend who loves you ...
They spend four more years. His brother, now ex-small, has left the "Caesar" with its good diploma.
a Sunday meeting even the mother of Sarah. On a bus near the school. We give ourselves ample and friendly smiles. I ask Sara. The lady is radiant: his beautiful story continues with her boyfriend. Thanks to the eighth grade, Sara has also attended a vocational course. He did even a year of community service. He's fine. She tells me with her bright smile, despite the incisors and the many caves in the middle, between the teeth.
That Sunday I was happy a long time. Why Sara
his game, in overtime, won it big.
his game, in overtime, won it big.
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