" You are, Jesus tells us, the salt of the earth, You are the light of the world" is how Jesus continues the Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes, which become even taste life, taste and splendor of our existence.
Salt has many uses, we know, we need it for many things, to season ... but, apparently, the salt was also an important tool in the covenant that was made: it was just poured salt because it is the nature of the salt does not lose his being salt. And then he wanted to evoke eternity, the finality of a deal. So also the light: the permanence of glory.
You see, dear brothers and sisters, what is presented to us by the Gospel is something different but we tend to replace. Instead of showing it, we are diverted to prove, to argue. Instead of turning on the light, we decided to organize, make something gigantic, magnificent ...
While the Gospel gives us an indication that risks banality: love is not shown, the love shows. The authentic taste of things, not shown, is achieved. The light is not shown, the light goes on. At most can be shown. When there is this ability to show the true taste of reality and evidence, using all the other instruments of the argument, demonstration, organization ...
When the Gospel tells us, want to talk about God? Do not talk about God, not argued about him, does not prove anything. Do something real, but so beautiful, delicious to taste. Obvious to look at, so, in what we do, to be spontaneous to say but it's nice that the Lord works in you and through you ... God
So we want to show on tiptoe among us, through us. But through this gesture, that gesture and concrete things with which we try to make things taste and evidence to the fact, what deserves to be recognized as authentic. We realize, however, that many times, what we do away from God We say, take us away from the Church. But this would be the lesser evil. Many times, however, more radically, say, "But if God is that I run away .... We given false testimony, we have contradicted the Gospel.
While the Gospel invites us to a much more simple, more linear, more graceful ... that's ... what? Not so much to chase the moral, not to pursue the law, but to say and do the right thing every time with respect to which there is to say: "But it must be so ... It can not be so ..."
And in that event we see something of beauty, goodness and truth of God ... in what we do.
So it is not for the believer to repeat the Commandments, they are members nella coscienza di ogni uomo, dicevamo la scorsa volta. Il credente ha bisogno di accogliere Dio come beatitudine. E tradurre questa presenza come beatitudine in gesti concreti che ci lasciano senza parole, perché non c’è bisogno di commentarli.
So it is not for the believer to repeat the Commandments, they are members nella coscienza di ogni uomo, dicevamo la scorsa volta. Il credente ha bisogno di accogliere Dio come beatitudine. E tradurre questa presenza come beatitudine in gesti concreti che ci lasciano senza parole, perché non c’è bisogno di commentarli.
Che ci lasciano senza argomenti, perché non vanno costruiti, rendono evidente qualcosa che ci fa avvertire la presenza stessa del Padre nostro. “Cosi guardando le vostre opere buone, glorificano, rendono gloria al Padre buono che è nei Cieli. Ma è sulla terra attraverso di noi, oltre che con noi.
Tutto il resto, è un modo per occultare l’unico procedimento che il Vangelo ci propone che è quello della evidenza: fare cose to make clear, of course ... gustabile. If so, life has a meaning, taste, tastes, it is worth living, if so ... So, the doctrine, not so much to organize, is to be tested as the ability to make manifest the communion, love, which is original content of what we want to bring the Gospel: the Father, the principle of love and communion that gathers us in his love, establishing his covenant with our humanity ... And so the experience
Small gestures of love and daily service, we said the first reading, it frees us from sin. We're so used to thinking that the confession is the only way to free us from sin ... No, no: the first way to be freed from sin, when there is darkness, light a light. Isaiah tells us: "When you bestow a piece of bread to those in need, when you open your door, the light of God shines in you. So if there was something wrong, already is gone.
The first path of conversion is to turn on the light, bring light inside us. So this is the way to avert the negative experiences we have lived. Then there is also a sacramental way ... we will discuss this during Lent. Postponed. We'll talk later. But while the word of God tells us: "When we turn on the light, no more the dark. "
Did you follow these phrases, very sculptural," Break your bread with the hungry, introduce the poor to your house, clothing the naked, then shall thy light break forth like the dawn .... Your wound will heal soon ... "We have a medicine that can heal our wounds: the passion to give space for others. Or compassion for others.
(The text was revised by the author, Don Cosimo Scordato: therefore, any errors or omissions are the writer Maria D'Asaro, who thus assumes responsibility for any inaccuracies and deficiencies in the transcript of the homily)
Tutto il resto, è un modo per occultare l’unico procedimento che il Vangelo ci propone che è quello della evidenza: fare cose to make clear, of course ... gustabile. If so, life has a meaning, taste, tastes, it is worth living, if so ... So, the doctrine, not so much to organize, is to be tested as the ability to make manifest the communion, love, which is original content of what we want to bring the Gospel: the Father, the principle of love and communion that gathers us in his love, establishing his covenant with our humanity ... And so the experience
Small gestures of love and daily service, we said the first reading, it frees us from sin. We're so used to thinking that the confession is the only way to free us from sin ... No, no: the first way to be freed from sin, when there is darkness, light a light. Isaiah tells us: "When you bestow a piece of bread to those in need, when you open your door, the light of God shines in you. So if there was something wrong, already is gone.
The first path of conversion is to turn on the light, bring light inside us. So this is the way to avert the negative experiences we have lived. Then there is also a sacramental way ... we will discuss this during Lent. Postponed. We'll talk later. But while the word of God tells us: "When we turn on the light, no more the dark. "
Did you follow these phrases, very sculptural," Break your bread with the hungry, introduce the poor to your house, clothing the naked, then shall thy light break forth like the dawn .... Your wound will heal soon ... "We have a medicine that can heal our wounds: the passion to give space for others. Or compassion for others.
(The text was revised by the author, Don Cosimo Scordato: therefore, any errors or omissions are the writer Maria D'Asaro, who thus assumes responsibility for any inaccuracies and deficiencies in the transcript of the homily)
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