I could be called Miss half months, because doing the math and think about it my month is divided into two opposing sides: for fifteen days are quiet, serene, carefree without problems either physical or emotional. Per i restanti quindici giorni(quelli precedenti e quelli interessanti l’impegno mensile di ogni donna in età fertile) mi trasformo fisicamente, emotivamente e psicologicamente. Fisicamente mi vedo un mostro, mi gonfio, ho ritenzione idrica, fuoriescono delle sgradite bollicine in viso che puntualmente vengono sintetizzate dal mio istruttore di palestra in “hai mangiato di nuovo le schifezze???” e che comportano conseguenti ore di allenamento aerobico di quelle che specie in quei giorni eviteresti volentieri.
Emotivamente divento debole e se solitamente non piango facilmente, in quei giorni se mi dicono che Denver è caduto dal suo skateboard mi scende la lacrimuccia.
and psychologically? Well delirium. I can not stand anything, become sour as, um let's see, I would say the yogurt expired, but I do not give a good idea, I see everything black and then you know what happens to me?!? I get obsessive and want to know in what field? !? What cleaning ...
If for days (15) I realized that maybe there is dust on the cupboard or maybe even if I realize I do not care very thinking I have better things to do in those days I'm going to make so-called spring cleaning. Becomes overactive and shine everything perfectly. And woe to risporcare The other ... I had spent the evening just right for the second time the cloth on the floor, the first time with the bleach, the second time with the Lysoform (I told you that I become manic) here's who, with his timing is always perfect, comes the guinea pig ... "FREEZE! Take off your shoes, come on tiptoe by the steps as long as possible to get the room dry and then take off your socks that if you were moistened in step, you leave footprints in the shape of the foot on the floor clean (all this in a tone not among the more relaxed).
Glazed And after all the walls washed, pitch control deadlines, molds and other equipment ...
Seeing a strange white thing come out from the cover of mobilino where I keep the potatoes, I was suspicious and I wanted to look into. I open and I nearly was a hit. Do you know when to grow potatoes that those white roots should immediately pull as they appear?!? Well I had not noticed anything, but imagine that size had reached the roots of my potatoes, to escape from the cover of the cabinet. Password: remove as soon as possible and use a few potatoes since it is a century that I had to cook!
Then I open the fridge and do not know anything in particular a parte due scamorze (una affumicata e una non) acquistate tempo prima e mai utilizzate, in scadenza nel giro di dieci giorni. "Vanno utilizzate anche queste". E pensa che ripensa mi viene in mente una ricetta vista tempo fa su una vecchia rivista della Cucina Italiana(ho una discreta memoria fotografica). Si trattava di un rosti con prosciutto, scamorza dolce e funghi.
Decido quindi di fare un piatto unico simile a quello ma arricchendo il rosti con delle fette di speck croccanti e della scamorza affumicata fondente. E visto che il giorno prima avevo trovato e acquistato, dopo tante ricerche, il topinambur, ho deciso di fare un rosti bigusto:patate e topinambur!!!
So I only say one thing and you write it in red letters: Try it!
One of the most delicious dishes I have ever eaten! My me are brushed in three seconds. The ingredients create a taste bilanciatissimo (not completely replace the smoked cheese with anything else because this is the most perfect match) and you really lick your whiskers! The guinea pig and I was more excited about him! I will repeat the expression "How bono" (w dialect), at least twenty times!
Note: To make the rosti which is a Swiss dish I preferred from raw potatoes, but due to time if you opt for the boiled potatoes, the latter must be cooked tooth with the skin and must be left to cool for at least 12 hours before use.
rösti potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes with bacon and smoked
Serves 4 servings
- 180 g Jerusalem artichokes
- 2 tablespoons rice flour
- 12 thin slices of bacon
- 8 slices of smoked
- Oil Ages
Peel the potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes. Wash, dry and with a wide tooth grater to reduce them to very thin strips.
Collect the strips in a colander and press the vegetables with a paper towel to push out the excess liquid. Join two flour and mix.
Place Heat a nonstick pan with a diameter of 20 cm (I used this of Pedrini coated ceramic). You heat a tablespoon of oil. At a bit 'of a compound of potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes to form a thin but compact layer on one side and cook for about 10 minutes. Slide the rosti on a plate, put it back in the pan and cook the other side. In the same way to produce other rosti.
While rosti bake, place on a baking tray from oven baking paper and place the slices of bacon. Place them under the grill to 220 degrees. When they are crispy on both sides place two slices of smoked cheese every three slices of bacon and put under the grill until the smoked cheese is dissolved. Place artichokes on each of the three slices of bacon with smoked cheese melted and serve immediately.
With this dish I participate in the contest of Eleonora's blog Butter and Honey , dish meals.
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