Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ho Do I Know If There Is Mold In My House

The return, a surprise and Mt Challenge!

blogger Sara Mills (as it was written in my bag found on the desk of ' Hotel Schweizerhof in Zurich, a phrase that made me feel almost VIP ;-) burst into a laugh of amazement) and returned to base. After 3 changes of trains and nearly 8 hours of travel next to a huge red suitcase (although the controller has recommended, for future times, to reduce the size of luggage to avoid anxiety by coincidence in time and ran wild that are too tight with such cases become a titanic enterprise-read scenes from a psychopathic Santa Maria Novella-), a black beauty and a bag of cardboard ristorante vegetariano Hiltl  dal quale fuoriesce un profumo a dir poco divino emanato dai vari pani tipici Svizzeri(treccia al burro, brezel, pane alle noci)acquistati in mattinata e in essa contenuti, ha finalmente varcato la soglia di casa...Di questi tre meravigliosi giorni, letteralmente volati poichè colmi di cose troppo interessanti da fare, ve ne parlerà dopo aver riorganizzato tutto...Se siete curiosi e impazienti però da loro( Angela e Chiara , Teresa , Patricia , Andrea ), che sono been more diligent about her and the world in which they happened to their blog updated daily, you can find a lot already ...

Around here, where you know that the rule is to keep promises, then I carry on with my schedule set out in the last post and I speak now of surprise and I show my work to the Mt Challenge this month ...

We start by surprise ...
logical analysis
Ida Papandrea: Subject
contact: verbal predicate
Saretta direct object
at (I know that my account may be mistaken for a virus if you can find it in the mail, but you must also understand that after six nick rejected by the system as existing, I was a little stove and short of ideas so the first thing that came out of typing letters on the keyboard was the decisive one): Completion of place
making them come: verbal predicate
a stroke direct object

The poor girl, thinking about the first victim of a joke (you know when an e-mail it says "urgent" in the subject is usually a bullshit-so-unfortunately from experience), he thought of having to discard that message. But before making what would prove to be an unhealthy act, tried to enter the sender's name on google ('bat as they are shifty-eyed ;-)). And after two schiffetti on each cheek and have found that it was all wonderfully real and absurdly, decided to respond to the sender welcome.

The request was simple and clear: 3 recipes for an article on a detox diet for the next issue of Cosmopolitan in which they published references to his blog, his three recipes, with three pictures, the comments of his nutritionist (it was just this category that had attracted the attention of the editor) and a her photo.

"Can you, Sara?" "Of course!"

This resulted in scenes of ordinary madness, I tell you what to do ... The time was short and moderately difficult challenge.
The recipes had to be read, looks good and good to eat and you know that the latter two characteristics hardly suitable to the health food ...
also had to describe my blog and also send my picture and it was perhaps the biggest problem, because I find I have no photos of me, decent ... On the other hand, however, I discovered to have a close-up of the Jerusalem artichoke, not bad ;-)!!!

I skipped a few sessions in the gym, I lost many hours of sleep, but the scheduled day and time everything was ready for the article!

So if you happen to advance and € 1 on newsstands, you know that from today on March 12 on page 314 number of Cosmopolitan talking about me ... Just do not add anything else ... Run on sale!

Let us now turn to ' Mt Challenge this month ... The darling of the blog Tery Peppers and Potatoes , winner of the challenge in February chose a recipe on which the challenge is not just easy to make ... But after the initial discomfort of a leavened with that never went over well, and after breakfast with warm milk and yeast (which I assure you is' Proven experience that goes ;-)) I literally rolled up their sleeves and for about 1 hour and 15 I had to do with a mixture initially very hard, but then very slowly and allow time to model it ... The result?!
Here ...

Reasons to try this recipe?!
1) 's too good;
2) When mixing by hand and following the advice of Tery you learn to string and rub the mixture;
3)La soddisfazione data dal risultato ottenuto è notevole;
4)E' una ricetta versatile e sia nella versione dolce che in quella salata è assolutamente da provare;
5)E' una ricetta che può essere presentata in mille modi diversi e non si farà mai brutta figura;

Veniamo alla ricetta?! Praticamente è quella di  Tery   con qualche piccola aggiustamento.


Per l’impasto(di 20 palline di danubio)
  • 500gr di farina (300gr manitoba, 200gr farina 00)
  • 170gr di latte 
  • 3 tuorli ed 1 uovo intero
  • 20 gr di burro salato(in mancanza utilizzare burro normale and add 1 teaspoon of salt)
  • 10g fresh yeast 70g sugar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 80g lard
  • grated rind of one ; lemon bio
For the filling:
To the lemon custard:
  • 2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons flour 00;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • a piece of bark of a lemon, untreated
To brush:
  • milk taste
To decorate:
  • icing sugar to taste
Prepare the cream

Mix well the egg yolks with sugar, obtaining a very creamy. Add flour and mix well. In a saucepan warm the milk. Add milk little by little on the compound of egg transfer everything in a saucepan filtering everything through a sieve to prevent lumps. Now cut a piece of lemon peel (for the size you regulator, based on what you want to know that the cream of lemon) taking care not to cut into the white under the skin (which would make the cream bitter). Wash it and put it in the pot.
Turn heat to low heat and bring the cream to a boil, stirring continuously.
When the cream is thick switch off, and pour into a dish, immediately removing the lemon zest.
Once the cream into the pot will be turned from time to time to avoid formation of the "skins" on the surface.

Prepare the dough
dough by hand:
Dissolve yeast in warm milk together the teaspoon of honey. Once melted add the flour previously sifted and begin to knead.
Combine the egg inside and 2 egg yolks, sugar, lemon zest and mix until absorbed (dough unmanageable at first, but with eggs absorbed everything returns to normal).
Now add the last egg and let the mixture absorb completely.
When the eggs are completely blended, add the lard and butter in 3 times and rub the mixture to absorb it.
Per frizionare, mettete l'impasto sul piano e con il fondo del palmo della mano destra, premete l'impasto e spingerlo in avanti come se dovesse essere steso. Con la mano sinistra impugnare una spatola a triangolo con la quale ammucchiare di nuovo l’impasto verso se stessi. Girare l'impasto di 90° e continuare a frizionare finchè tutto il burro e lo strutto non saranno assorbiti completamente.

A questo punto bisogna far incordare l'impasto. Per farlo si dovrà battere l'impasto sulla spianatoia.
Prendere l'impasto da un lato, batterlo sulla spianatoia in modo da farlo allungare. Poi, prendere i lembi dough you have in your hand, fold sull'impasto that has stretched on a work surface, turn 90 degrees, hold the right hand side and continue beating. Repeat until the dough begins to shorten. Now do the test on the veil, that is remove a small piece of dough and roll it out until it is able to see the transparency. If it breaks before you get to this point should continue to knead.

Form a ball and allow to rise until doubled in a bowl covered by a towel in warm oven.
Trascorso il tempo necessario (circa 2 ore), sgonfiare l'impasto e formare un salsicciotto. Da questo ricavarne tanti pezzetti da circa 30 grammi ciascuno, schiacciarli con le mani e formare dei dischi. Porvi al centro un cucchiaino di crema pasticcera e un cucchiaino di marmellata di limoni.
Chiudere i dischi sigillandoli sul fondo in modo da formare un paninetto. Nel sigillare, cercare di stendere la superficie della pasta in modo da non formare grinze e avere un effetto liscio.

Formare tutte le palline, imburrare ogni cavità di due teglie per muffin da 12 posti ciascuna e disporre una pallina in ciascuna cavità.
Far lievitare fino al raddoppio di nuovo in forno tiepido.
Spennellate con del latte e infine procedere alla cottura in forno caldo a 200° per 12 minuti circa.
Sfornare, cospargere di zucchero a velo e servire. 


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