Thursday, January 20, 2011

What To Wear For Sorority Events

a cake (almost) ... and a deserved victory ...;-)

Questions and attitudes in a guinea pig to help a sick almost completely voiceless.

"How much water should I put? Now that I put the fish what should I do? Here begins to make bubbles and then calculating the six minutes from now? Gone are the six minutes, as the drain? Where to put it to you to eat? "And I
a faint voice from the bed of the room, gave precise instructions to the boil a frozen cod fillet 100 gr ... Imagine if they had to cook a steak! It occurred in the final room with the triumphant minitrancio that was lost in the enormous colander with the satisfaction of a child fishing for the first time a fish of 10 kg ...

"How many pears I take? You need one type in particular? If it were not for the abbot and I get you another type is the same no? So there is not much difference I guess ... And then I take the zucchini, right ?!?".
"Pears Get Them only if there are those abbot and I recommend you do not care that you give some piece rotten or spoiled."
Doubts on shipment to the store of fruit, from which returns obviously wrong with pears and two half-peeled zucchini from beatings they took.

"I made a surprise ... Since you have a sore throat and you're not eating anything I thought this might help you a bit '."
and entered the room with a bowl of melted ice cream to taste artisan chocolate, coffee, hazelnut and cream ... Too bad between colds and flu I would not even feel the difference between an ice cream flavor rhubarb and strawberry ice cream flavor ... It all seemed equal and no taste ...! For more with all the medicines I was taking seemed too bitter ...

"So how many sacks di pellet prendo?Devo andare subito?”
“Prendine sei e vai subito che non ne ho più e in questi giorni è bene che la casa sia molto calda”.
Torna dopo venti minuti con lo scontrino e il resto. “E il pellet?” “ Ah già il pellet l’ho scaricato nel magazzino” . Eppure lo dovrebbe sapere bene che la mia stufa è in casa e non in magazzino?!?

La sera prima del malessere avevo fatto una lavatrice di panni colorati.
“Io non riesco nemmeno ad alzarmi. Puoi togliere i panni dalla lavatrice, metterli in una bacinella di plastica(la più grande) e poi stenderli sullo stendino(il My drying rack has 4 floors!) and put them in the sun ?!?". "Ok."
time five minutes.
"It will have nothing to do ... (lying to scream)" . "But as nothing to do with (the room with a low voice)?!? I always advancing space. " "I tell you I have nothing to do" . "Oh well believe it. But how do you put ?!?". "Not half" . "Look here bring this drying rack (so it has wheels) that I want to see what's going ?!?". And despite the pain, I laughed half an hour and I wanted to avere una telecamera per riprendere il tutto.
Aveva messo un panno per ogni ripiano ovviamente tutti belli larghi e distesi o meglio spalmati su sei fil di ferro e quà e là in qualche buchino libero(ma comunque non in un singolo fil di ferro ma sempre distesi in almeno tre fili)le calze!!!Con due felpe, due paia di jeans e qualche calza con i personaggi della Disney(compro solo quelle da Calzedonia e in palestra sono famosa per le mie calze da adulta)aveva riempito uno stendino!!! No comment!!!

Però nonostante tutto mi ha aiutato parecchio e quindi quando mi sono un pò ripresa ho voluto preparargli un dolcino che sapevo avrebbe gradito senz’altro. He likes sweets or chocolate or citrus
and now that I have not seen during the chocolate (and even sweet in fact), I opted for the latter to make a cake found on an old magazine (I think Anna, but are not quite certain since the page was torn for quite some time) who was my mother's house.
This is a very special cake to be tested at least once and that I liked very much, ditto the guinea pig and my mother she's eaten a slice expressing his full satisfaction.
E 'a cake without yeast, very low and very soft, made with a custard mandarin combined with the cous cous-baked blew up with juice Mandarin boiling and then baked for forty minutes.
It 'very light and really satisfies the palate.
I recommend you try it and I recommend not to replace the mandarin with mandarin oranges or clementines, as the latter had less flavor than the first compremettere could smell the end of the cake.

Before moving on to the recipe I will share with you my joy at being one of the twelve winners of the contest launched by the sympathy and Leda Claudia of About Food .
A picture of mine in fact , the one with which I had participated in the contest, was included in their beautiful calendar seen and downloaded from HERE (or click on the picture below) .
My picture is that of March ;-).

Ingredients for a 20 cm round pan

For the custard mandarin
  • 350 ml of fresh milk 3 egg yolks
  • peel a tangerine untreated
  • 30 grams of flour 00
  • 60 grams of sugar

For the couscous mandarin
  • 125 ml of filtered tangerine juice (about 6 mandarin orange juice)
  • 125 g cous cous-baked
  • ½ tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 10 gr.
  • butter 70 g caster sugar

for dusting
  • Powdered sugar to taste

Prepare the couscous Put
in a pot of mandarin juice and bring to boil. To switch off the boil, add oil, pour all the couscous, cover with a lid and allow to swell for about 4 minutes.
After this time, return the saucepan, add the butter with a fork and shelling the cous cous. Add sugar mix well and cool.

Prepare the custard mandarin
With a hand whisk Beat the egg yolks with sugar and flour. Put the milk in a saucepan with the zest of a tangerine and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, remove the rind and pour the milk over the mixture with egg yolks. Mix well and pour everything back into saucepan. Turn the flame low and bring to a boil, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. When the cream is thick, turn off and pour into a dish and to accelerate the cooling process, place the pot on a tray containing water and ice. Stir often to prevent the formation of the patina on the surface.

When the custard is cold pour into the compound of cous cous.
Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.
Pour the mixture into a round baking pan covered with parchment paper.
Bake for 40 minutes or until the surface of the cake is lightly browned and the cracks appear. Cool on a
cake rack and when it is completely cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

This cake took part in the contest of the blog of Cynthia Cynthia The recipe, from theme " g them citrus " .


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