last March 8 queue today my students will present profiles of some Italian women who have made the history.
One of these is Maria Montessori. First woman doctor in Italy. First female educator who has shown that children are not deficient or lost.
Maria Montessori was born in Clairvaux, in Italy. It was the first Italian female physician in the modern era. He led a humble goal: to try to educate the "idiots" and "non-educable" in Rome. He opened his first school in Rome, January 6, 1907. The Montessori Method
that resulted from that experience was later applied to children and has become famous in many parts of the world. Despite criticism during the years 1930 and 1940, his method was then applied in a stable manner.
In 1907 the Montessori founded the first Casa dei Bambini in Rome. In 1913, his method had some interest in North America, which later waned. Nancy McCormick Rambusch resumed his use of the method in America, founded the American Montessori Society in 1960. Montessori was exiled by Mussolini in india for the duration of World War II, mainly because she refused to change his principles and educate children to become soldiers. He lived the rest of his life in Holland, which is now the headquarters of the AMI, or Association Montessori Internationale. Died in Noordwijk aan Zee, May 6, 1952. Her son Mario headed the AMI until his death in 1982.
addition to the new pedagogy, other contributions of Montessori education are: *
group instruction for children of 3 years, in relation to certain periods of development (example: 3-5, 6-9, and 9-12 years) *
children as full beings, encouraged to make decisions
* observation of the child in the environment as a basis for future development (presentation di esercizi per lo sviluppo delle abilità e dell'apprendimento delle informazioni)
* mobili a misura di bambino e creazione di un ambiente a misura di bambino (microcosmo) nel quale ognuno può svilppuare un mondo a se stante
* partecipazione dei genitori per la cura della salute e dell'igiene come pre requisito per la scuola
* definizione di una scala di periodi dello sviluppo, che metta in rilevo che è necessario stimolare e motivare il bambino (incluso periodi per lo sviluppo del linguaggio, esperimenti sensoriali e vari livelli di interazione sociale)
* Importanza della "mente assorbente", la motivazione senza limiti del bambino ad apprendere competenze nel suo ambiente di sviluppo e a svilppuare le proprie capacità that occur in every period of development. The phenomenon is characterized by the ability of the child to repeated activities (eg the stuttering as an exercise in language that could lead to a future development) *
materials "self learning" and self-correction (some based on the work of Itard and Seguin)
During the 90s, Maria Montessori was pictured on the bill by replacing Marco Polo Italian lire 1000, until Italy adopted the Euro.
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