8th TO 27/02/2011 - Year A
often happens in the morning, especially on Sunday, to ask: "Today we eat?" Maybe it's the mom who asks her children, to guess the flavors. Or we ask ourselves "Who do Mietto Today, as I dress today?" These are questions that rely on time almost every day at home ....
Now is not that Jesus wants us to criminalize, because we take these questions. We want to fly high, as always. The Gospel does not want to waste our time, teaches us what is really worth living, dear sisters and brothers. We are still in the remarks of the Beatitudes. We have heard the Beatitudes, then everything else, what we're going to proclaim this Sunday, is commentary on the Beatitudes: in this case, "Blessed are the poor."
often happens in the morning, especially on Sunday, to ask: "Today we eat?" Maybe it's the mom who asks her children, to guess the flavors. Or we ask ourselves "Who do Mietto Today, as I dress today?" These are questions that rely on time almost every day at home ....
Now is not that Jesus wants us to criminalize, because we take these questions. We want to fly high, as always. The Gospel does not want to waste our time, teaches us what is really worth living, dear sisters and brothers. We are still in the remarks of the Beatitudes. We have heard the Beatitudes, then everything else, what we're going to proclaim this Sunday, is commentary on the Beatitudes: in this case, "Blessed are the poor."
E Jesus then examines the issue and the explicit and also gives us some indication that we have difficulties to transpose, we acknowledge: God or money or First indication: When I'm in them the money, it is easily exposed to a denial of God we must do somersaults, and then retrieve the value of something positive that we also need. But it is as if Jesus put us on guard against this radical right: all the battles, all wars ... national, international, at home ... if you mind you, are born from this conflict. O God or money. So each of us must learn to do without as much as possible.
And then the other side: eating and dressing. We need to eat, we need to get dressed. But Jesus tells us that our beauty is not in the suit, is not what we eat ... It 's as if Jesus wanted to make a poem about us: if you look at the lily is beautiful in itself ... you are beautiful too
- Jesus tells us - not because who knows what you can flaunt wealth or some kind of habit or some kind of status symbol ... you're worth for what you have inside you. We are worth for what we are in our person, naked and raw.
- Jesus tells us - not because who knows what you can flaunt wealth or some kind of habit or some kind of status symbol ... you're worth for what you have inside you. We are worth for what we are in our person, naked and raw.
So the gospel comes to us to free us, not that you need to eat or dress di qualche cosa: ma il vestito è vestito, è esterno a noi. Ciò che conta siamo ciascuno di noi: ciò che è dentro, non cosa ha all’esterno, ciò con cui si ricopre. Cosa siamo dentro di noi? Ci interpella il Vangelo, restituendoci la nostra dignità per quello che siamo.
E poi l’affermazione culminante di questo brano, quando Gesù dice: “Allora cercate il Regno di Dio e la sua giustizia.“ Potrebbe essere una scappatoia. E invece, se lo comprendiamo correttamente, è l’unica possibilità che abbiamo di salvarci o di essere salvati.
Se mettiamo al primo posto il Regno di Dio e la sua giustizia, la giustizia che è Dio stesso, then also the demand on our food is resized. Why is the justice that God will make us look to others like us who are hungry, who needs, like us ... And then look at the world of sight, through the eyes of God, also means to reduce our demands for personal fulfillment. Why the question: "What shall I do today?" I must add another: "And the other thing to do, to live with dignity, with me and I with them?"
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness means resized before all our questions, all of our expectations, even if all our very achievements, because they hold on so many misunderstandings about the many inequalities that are layered throughout the story ... The Gospel invites us to overturn all to start over ...
The Kingdom of God, that God wants to ensure that its encouraging all people worship God, not only those who are stronger or more capable ... his justice is that no one loses. And this we can also reduce some of our claims.
So an attitude of flight, not a softening of attitude in the situation, but an appeal of the Gospel tells us: we learn to look at the reality of others along with our own. What is the point of view of God, who wants all to be saved now.
And all we need to know to share. Otherwise, if we start only by our need, not raise my eyes to the needs of others. We need to protect our one thousand, thousands of acquisitions to be jealously guarded
... While we must resize it. If we look at reality from a God who wants to promote it to everyone, not just for one part, and not to the detriment of a party.
So the gospel opens our eyes once again. Here, also teaches us this new look, expanded on the reality of all.
(The text was revised by the author, Don Cosimo Scordato: therefore any errors or omissions are the writer Maria D'Asaro, who thus assumes responsibility for any inaccuracies and deficiencies in the transcript of the homily)
(then the priest who spoke concelebrates, who hails from Vicenza)
I struck here today and welcome this Liturgy of the Word which gives us a strong message of tenderness. The biblical God is a God of tenderness to the point that it presents us with the image of the mother and her son. And there's nothing softer than this. If there was even a mother who forgets, He did not.
And then came to my mind, dear Cosmo, the image the great father Alex Zanotelli that says: "The task of Christians today is the same: To build up the civilization of tenderness."
which is also based on this surprising discovery of this love of God which is care, which is mercy, that is the father, who is mother, who is the brother, who is married, which is close, which is close
... I thought the company's tender is the opposite of a society of gangs, crime, oppression, injustice, domination the most powerful to the weak. This kind of society we have it also in Vicenza, mind you, we are not better off than anyone.
So, perhaps the task Italian for Christians who are discovering the unity of Italy would be to help each other find these common roots in the tenderness of God to build a better world. And then to be, anyway, different because the Christian is a different. It 'an alternative that expresses the logic of the world.
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