Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Use A Monopod With A Nikon 70-300vr

ailments fiction, EGGS IN SMOKING: My recipe of egg and the book on Wednesday!

Fact No. 1: a lizard in the shade is not going much better than I do in winter;

Fact No. 2: never laugh listening to stories of illness that might seem worthy of fantasy from the director of X-Files or so and always remember that we must never laugh at the misfortunes of others, although they may seem improbable;

Fact 3: Google is very useful, but for people hypochondriac, pessimistic and easily impressionable (like me) you better not be used for research on diseases & co ...;

That said I am pleased to announce that my right hand is giving trouble, big trouble.

First ring finger was usually occur in the so-called Raynaud's phenomenon (see here for info). As the disorder that occurred whenever I was alone and if you never believed I was not told, I decided to immortalize it through so well for the series "Now I've got the evidence."
This winter, the disorder had not yet peeped when talking to a lady she hit the usual noise, uttered the following words: "You know that I was going to take too long hand on the mouse? ! Consider that hands and feet, peripheral parts of the body, we women are spesso oggetto di problemi circolatori e pensa che una volta mi vennero anche i geloni sulla mano con la quale utilizzavo il mouse al lavoro…”.

“Buahahah...Questa si che è grossa”, pensai e continuai a vivere tranquillamente rimuovendo quella frase dalla testa…Fino a quando circa tre giorni fa delle strane chiazze rosse e del gonfiore diffuso hanno messo le radici nella mia mano destra…

“E questa roba cosa è? Sarà allergia?!No perché è solo in una mano. Ah vabbè sarà un fungo…No. I funghi non sono così. Sarà the whitlow? No, because that is not extended to almost all the phalanges ... I do not know what to think let me see on google. We write (business done with the help of left hand)-finger hands with red and swollen-". What did I find?! Everything and that there could have also reported the number of some agency and the funeral service was impeccably complete.

I'll call the guinea pig in tears ... Not being able to convince me in any way for me to stay quiet and scolding because I had looked on the internet, I was instructed to seek medical attention.
Want to know the diagnosis?! Oh well so much already but you know ... And I thought it was fiction!

The gentlemen (read chilblains) after three days just do not think to go and it follows that:

- 'm learning to use the mouse and keyboard just fine with the left hand and in anticipation of future cracks in the wrist or the right hand could be a barrel of iron and should not go even in disease
- to work in the office I'm using the gloves and everyone looks at me like crazy passes ... For these gentlemen, " we do exchange hands? "
- the n gym is no longer needed to make a big physical effort to sweat, as they are just 5 minutes of stationary bike for me to start the movement with great pomp and make me feel the pinch and pruriti alla mano che mi fanno sudare freddo e mi fanno salire le lacrime agli occhi, letteralmente;
-           s to andando avanti a scatolette di tonno e simili, e la sola idea di mettere la mano nella padella calda per girare i cibi(mio vanto fino a quattro giorni fa)mi fa svenire;

Quanto ci vorrà perché tutto torni alla normalità?!

Vabbè...In attesa di tornare ad essere efficientissima I show you our lunch on Sunday. The guinea pig felt like hamburgers and saw that I was glad to prepare something for the nice contest Leda , Eggs in Smoking , where you can win some very nice jewelry obviously with the contest theme (the necklace with the egg must become a must!) offered by the Queens Chess , I thought of making burgers with eggs and vegetables to make crispy side dish (thanks Milena to the idea of \u200b\u200bJerusalem artichoke chips . Divine ;-)), instead of the classic crisp ...
The result?
This course dish with which I participate in the contest Leda .

What are the ingredients?! Just read below ...

Before leaving, however, I would say three little things.

Voglio in primis tranquillizzare tutti e far presenti che a brevissimo su questi schermi cì saranno i nomi dei 4 vincitori del contest mio e di Lucia in collaborazione con il Lombardi Store .

Voglio anticiparvi che causa impegni e una valigia da preparare per la settimana prossima(poi saprete ;-)) non so se per questa settimana riuscirò di nuovo a farvi compagnia con le mie sventure. 
Quindi in caso ci leggiamo direttamente o domenica o lunedì(ce la farete lo stesso senza di me, vero ;-)?!).

Finally, I remind you that today is Wednesday and as always in the recipe are the notes nutritionist.

burger with fried egg and crisp vegetables
Serves 2
  • 2 turkey burgers
  • 1 tomato
  • white onion 2 eggs salt

black pepper For the vegetables crisp
  • 1 carrot
  • Jerusalem artichokes 1 small zucchini 1
  • 6 tablespoons rice flour
  • oil sunflower

Peel the Jerusalem artichokes and carrots and wash the zucchini.
With a potato peeler, cut the vegetables into very thin slices. Wash well under running water and blot with paper towels. Presenting it in a colander, sprinkle with flour and shake well to knock the excess flour.
In a nonstick plate with a smooth surface very hot (even a piadiniera is fine) and cook the burgers on both sides salandoli. Cook the eggs on the same plate a bull's eye (and cook only by clear and keep the yolk intact) and salandole pepandole.
In a pan bring to room temperature and abundant seed oil you fry the vegetables for a few seconds.
Let them drain on paper sheets of fried and salt.
Thinly slice the tomato and onion and the dish.
Place a burger on each plate. Cover it with a couple of slices of tomato, a couple of onion rings and an egg.
Complete the dish with the vegetables and serve.

The word expert, the biologist and nutritionist Antonio Rosatelli.

developed this recipe How many calories?
This recipe developed in total 784 kcal, then 392 per person.

What and how much are macronutrients?
In it are contained 64.03 grams of carbohydrate, protein 62.32gr, 32.75 grams of saturated fat in 12 grams.

What about eggs?
Eggs are rich in Vitamin A and E, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, are an excellent source of protein in the rich, like meat, proteins (proteins that contain an optimal dose of essential amino acids).

It 's a dish suitable for lunch or dinner?
This dish can be eaten at lunch, and if it should be our dinner, it should have an after dinner which takes place in some recreational activity. If our couch and tv after dinner is not recommended due to the abundant food intake.

fry tell us anything?
Frying is a type of cooking whereby the food is cooked by immersion or be blown into oil and other fatty foods at high temperatures. Precisely because of these temperatures are created profound changes in fats with possible formation of acrolein, a substance toxic to the liver and irritating to the digestive system. This toxicity also increases, when the fat already cooked, it is used several times.

In this case, however, the fry was very fast ...
fact I can tell you that if the food is fried quickly, did not have time to absorb the toxins from the fat. So in this If frying is a little healthier.

The fry is for everyone, perhaps consumed sporadically?
Unfortunately not. People suffering from diseases of the liver, pancreas, and all gastroduenale ulcer disease and gastrointestinal disorders, should just do without.

thank Dr. Rosatelli For availability and remind you that if you want more information you can contact one of the addresses here reported. In this page you will also find all their links with the list of all recipes examined by Dr. Rosatelli.


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