Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Become A Property Manager

A virtual tour and heading on Wednesday ... The tree of

Who is writing is not sarettam, but Sarah, a girl happened by chance in this blog.
"I was looking for a recipe and enter the subject of my research on Google, I was sent here.
Visiono the recipe that interests me and I do not think anything bad to me and even die. Before I do look at labels and see that there are several recipes. I decide to take a stroll. Let 'sweet dishes, breakfast. Let's look at the first vah ... I see some good pasta dishes, soup and only a few seconds instead of risotto ... what gives us this sarettam?!? A few seconds ... The rest does not interest me much, so let's go back to Google and try something else, vah ... "

considerations. Tours by viewers in their blogs are made to understand the limits of your blog. In fact, I realized that I really have to improve with the rice (almost a year of blogging and one risotto seems too strict !!!). Even with the latter should not be much better then the rule is: work with them!
With the sweet I could instead take a break considering that the period diets & co then it should not bother so much more willing readers!

Another consideration made for the aid which, however, ask you for the photos ... The question you ask is as follows: the terrible-horrible-decaying post pictures of the first made without knowledge of the facts and have no idea what they meant by concepts such as food styling-right light to photograph-a machine for the photos and not the mobile phone, change, or you want to leave, so when you're down to mood and make you feel like a laugh, click on my old post and it will be impossible to avoid an attack of rice accompanied by piety for the undersigned's initial limited artistic skills?!? In responding
also think this: is it true that now the picture has improved, but let in the shoes of a person who happens to only one in my blog post (perhaps sent by google as Sarah mentioned above) and seen what the care if it goes ... If the post was of interest to the photo-terrible-horrible dilapidated and can not be viewed other than maybe you think that the whole blog is terrible-horrible-dilapidated, no?!? The guinea pig
said that those photos should be left so you can see the progress, but I'm not so agree! Help me you!

After these considerations bloggers thoughtful, attentive to the problems of his blog I just have to go to the recipe today that considering the above will obviously be a risotto!

I hope you enjoy the recipe (so at least we will do our risotto the saying "better a few, but good") ... In my house it was certainly ...
To make it I used some very good soft chestnuts send the Noberasco along with many other confezioni di albicocche secche e di datteri .
Queste castagne sbucciate sono morbidissime e oltre ad essere un’idea per uno snack possono anche arricchire piatti dolci e salati. Sono prodotte da frutti di origine italiana  selezionati uno ad uno, cotti interi e successivamente sbucciat i. Senza coloranti e conservanti sono ricche di fibre e ottima fonte di magnesio.   

Passiamo alla ricetta e sotto come ogni mercoledì trovate le notes nutritionist ...

Serves 2
  • 140 g arborio rice
  • vegetable stock (made with carrot, celery, onion )
  • ventrasca 1 slice of dry (about 50 oz.)
  • 1 sausage (about 50 oz.)
  • parsley
  • 120 gr. of soft chestnuts * Noberasco
  • 2 tablespoons semi-skimmed milk
  • ¼ white onion
  • salt
  • extra virgin olive oil
Finely chop the onion and put it in a saucepan with a tablespoon of olive oil and add the chestnuts (leave some aside to garnish the dishes). Add milk and a spoonful of broth and cook over low heat and covered for about ten minutes (chestnuts tend to unravel and you'll get almost a cream). If in the meantime the compound were too dry add more broth.
Peel and cut the sausage and crumble the bacon into cubes. Put them in a separate saucepan and cook for two minutes, stirring often. Add the rice and toast it a minute, pour the hot broth, salt (not much as sausage and bacon are already flavorful) and cook, stirring often and adding the hot stock when it tends to dry too. When the rice is cooked, remove from heat, pour in the mixture made with chestnuts, add the chopped parsley, stir quickly and serve.

* By using the soft chestnuts Noberasco I avoided the step that is necessary when using fresh chestnuts. In this case, it should peel the chestnuts, should be boiled for several minutes and then peeled.

The word expert

How many calories develops this recipe?
Dear Sara this recipe developed in 1170 total calories, and 585 Kcal per person.

many carbohydrates, fats and proteins are in it?

This dish contains a total of 34.90 grams of protein, 174 grams of carbohydrates and 42 grams of saturated fat that is in 13.42 animal.
Finally contains 171.90 mg of cholesterol is an acceptable level se si considera che ogni giorno ne possiamo ingerire al massimo 300mg.
Il colesterolo infatti è un grasso indispensabile per la sintesi di molti ormoni e per la produzione della Vitamina D. Rientrando nel valore sopra indicato non comporta danni per il nostro organismo, mentre un’eccessiva ingestione di colesterolo può comportare il deposito e accumulo del suddetto nelle pareti dei vasi sanguigni con conseguente occlusione e possibile danno cardio-vascolare.

Per quale pasto è più indicata?
Lo consiglierei a pranzo, per il suo alto valore calorico e soprattutto per l'alto valore di glucidi, ma non è un piatto adatto a tutti.

Chi soffre di diabete dovrebbe evitarlo poiché riso e castagne, entrambe ricche di zuccheri, potrebbero alzare troppo il tasso di glicemia nel sangue. A chi soffre di questa patologia consiglierei di sostituire il riso arborio con quello integrale .

Which contains elements that are useful to our body?
This dish is very rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Niacin (Vitamin), Thiamine (Vitamin), Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and Zinc.

as always thank our nutritionist and see all the recipes he considered just click HERE .


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