Che cosa? Operazione svuota frigo(da Unieuro fanno il fuori tutto e io non posso fare lo svuota frigo?!?)
Quando? Domenica scorsa(proprio di domenica lo svuota frigo?!?Eh già. Una volta a week I go to lunch by myself and usually on Sundays. Last week, however, I shot my only cartridge on Thursday because it was the day of Epiphany Sunday and then the slogan was: arrangement! Let me open a small parenthesis, not that my parents would not want me to home more than once a week, but ... 's just that my idea is that if you make decisions and then to behave accordingly, so no use going to live alone, if in the first difficulty we run from mommy daddy-and closed parentheses and just to clarify-).
Perché hai deciso di fare questa operazione? Apro il frigo e trattengo le lacrime a stento. Una(e dico UNA) salsiccia nel primo ripiano, davanti a del succo d’acero e alla bottiglietta della salsa di soia. Secondo ripiano con un incarto della Coop con dentro una(e dico UNA) fettina sottile di lardo di colonnata accanto a 20 gr di parmigiano grattugiato e ad un sacchetto di strutto(scroccato al forno vicino casa). Terzo ripiano: frutta e una confezione aperta due giorni prima di besciamella e “dulcis in fundo” all'ultimo ripiano un mini-cavolfiore da 300 gr. e una confezione di carote non più sode come al momento dell’acquisto ;-)(avvenuto forse un mese fa)…Urgeva get rid of these miseries!
you able to use all the inventories? Of course not. Can you imagine the sausage cooked with a little 'of maple syrup?!? I think a match like that would go hungry even Giuliano Ferrara. But we say that something was matched and then I pulled out the sausage, mini-cauliflower and white sauce!
What have you prepared? I thought the souffle might be the best solution (out of the fridge there were four eggs).
With those few ingredients soufflé many have you got? Two , and second as a starter or two people went just fine. Of course, to the undersigned have represented lunch (I had nothing else) so I have made them out both alone ;-).
you been satisfied? ... I certainly was the fluffiest, melts in your mouth and they were delicate but tasty at the same time because of the crumbs sausage. A real treat. I never thought that four residues ingredients I could do such a kindness. After the first bite of the first soufflé I decided to also take pictures and I thought it was appropriate to post it. Obviously in the meantime have a little deflated (they were a dome) and if you do serve at once, but the bite can be clearly seen photos of the interior is very similar to a mousse incorporated by the clear effect due to air-mounted snow.
The recipe we leave it? course and you try it and let me know ...
Per 4 sformatini
- 2 uova
- 2 salsicce di suino da 50 gr ciascuna
- 290 gr di cime di cavolfiore bianco
- 140 gr di besciamella (io Chef)
- Sale grosso
- Burro per ungere le ramequin
Portare a ebollizione una pentola con acqua e al bollore salare e versare il cavolfiore lavato del quale we cut the tops and discard the stems.
Bake for about 10 minutes or until sticking a fork, the tops are soft.
Drain and let cool.
Remove the skin and crumble the sausage in a frying pan is already hot. Toast the sausages without added fat until they are crisp.
With a fork cut in the tops of cauliflower puree. Merge them into the pan with the sausage and season them for a few minutes over medium heat, stirring often.
Remove from fiamma e unirvi la besciamella. Mescolare bene per far amalgamare e unire i tuorli. A parte in una ciotola pulitissima(senza alcuna traccia di grasso), montare con le fruste elettriche gli albumi a neve ben ferma.
Unirli al composto con il cavolfiore un cucchiaio per volta, mescolando delicatamente dal basso verso per non farli smontare.
Accendere il forno a 170°.
Ungere molto bene con il burro quattro ramequin in ceramica.
Versarvi il composto riempiendole per poco più di metà.
Mettere in forno caldo e never cook without opening the oven door for at least 30 minutes or until the surface is not golden.
oven and serve immediately.
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