Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Sailing - DOLPHIN 81

On February 17, 2011, at the headquarters of the Vela Desenzano Fraglia the presence of President of class, Zozimo Uliano, Vice President and directors Francesco Crippa Francesco Imperad ... gold, Flavio Bocchi and Oscar Tonoli, convened the meeting of Italian shipowners Class Dolphin81 ASD who counted the participation of as many as 26 owners of which only 7 with the delegation. The numbers, by themselves, demonstrate the great involvement from the members to important issues and decide the future of the class. At the end of an assembly featuring the, clarity of content and actions, the owners have discussed and approved the new statute, cornerstone to request membership of the class Dolphin81 ASD IVF.

Following this, the Board of Directors of the class presented the draft of new regulations which, as decided in the previous Assembly, was to be the first step to change the boat rigged with bowsprit and spinnaker result. The outcome of the vote, 5 votes to 14 votes against, 5 abstentions, 1 absent, led to the rejection of the project. Whatever the outcome of the vote, the class is now to decide on his future with clear rules and with the revived and enthusiasm of its owners so desired. The Council and the entire class is sure Dolphin81 will speak again and this time so much if only because of its abundance in water and for his passionate desire to grow.

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Miami, March 12, 2011 - Riccardo Simoneschi at the helm of the Audi Melges 24, ends his Bacardi Cup in third place level on points with WTF (second). Yet another difficult race day for the Bacardi Cup Audi Melges 24 Riccardo Simoneschi that with Gabriele Benussi, Vittorio Rossi, Lucia Giorgetti and Michael Cannon has faced a race area dominated by wind unstable in some cases has even turned to 50/60 °. 3rd and 8th today that the results in order of final standings vedono sul terzo gradino del podio Audi Melges 24 a pari punti di WTF. Attualmente Audi Melges 24 è largamente in testa alla “Road to Corpus Christy Trophy” la rassegna di regata (Key West, Miami Winter Regatta, Bacardi Cup) in avvicinamento al Campionato Mondiale che si disputerà a Corpus Christy in Texas a metà maggio.

“Siamo molto soddisfatti del terzo posto in classifica generale – ha raccontato Gabriele Benussi tattico di Audi Melges24 – dalla partenza della prima prova sapevamo che il nostro avversario diretto sarebbe stato Lorenzo Bressani su Uka Uka (Campione Mondiale in carica) e il miglioramento del nostro Audi Melges24 e dell’affiatamento its crew was seen in many head head that we had in these six trials with its Bressani. On a fleet of thirty Melges 24, the 3rd place overall, tied for points with the second, it's definitely a good result. There were three days of unstable wind, today's jump was also 60 degrees, extreme situation to make some good races. But the good work and testing we've done so far have been confirmed by the constancy of the results 3-2-4-5-3-8 (for the final classification we discarded an 8 th place). Constance makes us hopeful for the future. With Riccardo Simoneschi we all have a great team spirit in the coming weeks but we have to work on particular types of sails per condizioni di vento forte e continuerà il lavoro di ricerca del miglior risultato in vista delle regate di Charleston dove in acqua scenderanno una cinquantina di Melges 24 che sarà l’ultimo importante test in preparazione del Campionato Mondiale.”

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Part of the racing season Protagonist

Parte dal Trofeo Bianchi a Gargnano la sfida 2011 per i Protagonist, il monotipo tutto gardesano con i numeri più alti. E parte con la prima prova del Circuito zonale crociera. La Classe, animata da un nuovo presidente Marco Addamo, anche quest’anno assegnerà quattro titoli: zonale tra le boe, crociera, match race su due appuntamenti e il campionato nazionale che si svolgerà a Navene (sponda veneta del Garda) dal 10 al 12 giugno. Il calendario si snoderà su 15 eventi tutti nelle acque del Garda, per garantire così economicità e vento certo.

Dopo il Trofeo Bianchi, gli appuntamenti dello zonale crociera si riaffacceranno a luglio con la Trans Benaco, per approdare al Trofeo Gorla e alla Centomiglia in programma, come da tradizione, a settembre, e si concluderanno il 23 ottobre con la Regata dell’odio. In mezzo lo zonale tra le boe che vede lo start il 26-27 marzo a Toscolano con il Trofeo valle delle Cartiere, il 10 aprile sarà la volta di Moniga, poi la Tridentina a Desenzano alla metà di aprile, il Trofeo Avesani April 30 and May 1, the Gentleman's Cup Gargnano on 21-22 May, 16 July Salò Sail the Meeting and ending in Brentwood with the final race on 24-25 September. At the latter date will be assigned a double score to scramble a bit 'cards of the league and not take anything for granted. On 25-26 June in the waters of the gulf of Salò there will be the first flight of match races that will get your sample on September 17-18 in Moniga with a ranking of four.

And speaking of charts, the new board of directors remain in office until 2013 and sees the president to support the two members and Antonio Sciacca Fabio Gasparri, ognuno con aree di pertinenza ben definite, ha approvato, per ogni regata, una classifica a parte che premierà gli armatori timonieri. Un’altra grande novità per questa stagione che sta per iniziare è il peso dell’equipaggio fissato in 390 Kg. La Classe, inoltre, per perseguire quella stretta monotipia che sta alla base della “filosofia Protagonist” ha stazzato, il mese scorso, tutte le barche che quest’anno intendono prendere parte agli eventi innalzando il peso minimo portandolo a 837 Kg. Per il 2011 è stata poi liberalizzata la norma riguardante il timoniere del Campionato Nazionale mentre rientrerà nel 2012 quando, per tenere la barra all’appuntamento clou si dovrà aver partecipato, nel corso year (from national league to the next) at least three appointments.

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BOGLIACO Gargnano (Brescia / Lake Garda) - Take today at 9 and 30 from the port of Bogliaco the 2000 spring-summer of the Circle Vela Gargnano. The challenge will be the 33rd Trofeo Roberto Bianchi, reserved for race one-design fleets (Ace 99, Fun, Protagonist, Melges 20, Mr. Dolphin CVG, and others). The event will remember Robert Bianchi, a leading manufacturer and designer of the first in Italy to use the fiberglass with the famous "Aleir" a super Fd who won two podiums in absolute Centomiglia the late '60s.

The path of the trophy White provides an average "long distance" (just under 13 miles, approximately 25 km) route Gargnano-Champion. 2011 All activity already enjoys the patronage of the Council Region of Lombardy, the President of the Province of Brescia. Among the partners who have joined us are ASM Foundation (A2A group), Marina Yachting, publication number, the technology partners Grooves-Media Entertainment, Brescia Superpartes Innovation Campus, the Consortium partners logistics Lemon Riviera and Castelli.

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Melges 24 Volvo Cup, Lightning keeps leadership

The wind was not long in arriving today on the race of Sanremo, where he is being held on the first leg of the Volvo Cup circuit reserved for the 2011 Melges 24. More than twenty knots with gusts up to thirty have allowed the race committee of the Yacht Club Sanremo to give the other two tests. Lightning owner Verona Gianni Catalonia, won two first places, which together with the victory in the one race sailed yesterday, confirming the leadership team of the league.

The weather conditions of strong winds and choppy, led some withdrawals from a number of team members, the boat has been dismasting, fortunately with no injuries on board. Both tests were won by the Nose Sailing Team, bearer of the Yacht Club Cortina d'Ampezzo, which in the first race from the start, has gone ahead without losing control over the rest of the fleet. In the second test a few wind shifts have deceived the beat of Lightning, in the third windward mark. The downwind leg was useful to restock Alberto Bolzan & Co. that the half of the second beat are back in first position, then maintained until arrival.

"fast boat makes good tactical - Daniel said Cassinari tactical Lightning - an applause goes to the jury today that the event has masterfully handled the two tests in conditions not just for the entire fleet. We are very pleased with the work in the water that gives us hope for the future. " Today, Sunday, March 13, are provided the latest evidence. At the first stage of the Volvo Cup 2011 forty-three boats are entered, from Austria, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden and Ukraine.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ho Do I Know If There Is Mold In My House

The return, a surprise and Mt Challenge!

blogger Sara Mills (as it was written in my bag found on the desk of ' Hotel Schweizerhof in Zurich, a phrase that made me feel almost VIP ;-) burst into a laugh of amazement) and returned to base. After 3 changes of trains and nearly 8 hours of travel next to a huge red suitcase (although the controller has recommended, for future times, to reduce the size of luggage to avoid anxiety by coincidence in time and ran wild that are too tight with such cases become a titanic enterprise-read scenes from a psychopathic Santa Maria Novella-), a black beauty and a bag of cardboard ristorante vegetariano Hiltl  dal quale fuoriesce un profumo a dir poco divino emanato dai vari pani tipici Svizzeri(treccia al burro, brezel, pane alle noci)acquistati in mattinata e in essa contenuti, ha finalmente varcato la soglia di casa...Di questi tre meravigliosi giorni, letteralmente volati poichè colmi di cose troppo interessanti da fare, ve ne parlerà dopo aver riorganizzato tutto...Se siete curiosi e impazienti però da loro( Angela e Chiara , Teresa , Patricia , Andrea ), che sono been more diligent about her and the world in which they happened to their blog updated daily, you can find a lot already ...

Around here, where you know that the rule is to keep promises, then I carry on with my schedule set out in the last post and I speak now of surprise and I show my work to the Mt Challenge this month ...

We start by surprise ...
logical analysis
Ida Papandrea: Subject
contact: verbal predicate
Saretta direct object
at (I know that my account may be mistaken for a virus if you can find it in the mail, but you must also understand that after six nick rejected by the system as existing, I was a little stove and short of ideas so the first thing that came out of typing letters on the keyboard was the decisive one): Completion of place
making them come: verbal predicate
a stroke direct object

The poor girl, thinking about the first victim of a joke (you know when an e-mail it says "urgent" in the subject is usually a bullshit-so-unfortunately from experience), he thought of having to discard that message. But before making what would prove to be an unhealthy act, tried to enter the sender's name on google ('bat as they are shifty-eyed ;-)). And after two schiffetti on each cheek and have found that it was all wonderfully real and absurdly, decided to respond to the sender welcome.

The request was simple and clear: 3 recipes for an article on a detox diet for the next issue of Cosmopolitan in which they published references to his blog, his three recipes, with three pictures, the comments of his nutritionist (it was just this category that had attracted the attention of the editor) and a her photo.

"Can you, Sara?" "Of course!"

This resulted in scenes of ordinary madness, I tell you what to do ... The time was short and moderately difficult challenge.
The recipes had to be read, looks good and good to eat and you know that the latter two characteristics hardly suitable to the health food ...
also had to describe my blog and also send my picture and it was perhaps the biggest problem, because I find I have no photos of me, decent ... On the other hand, however, I discovered to have a close-up of the Jerusalem artichoke, not bad ;-)!!!

I skipped a few sessions in the gym, I lost many hours of sleep, but the scheduled day and time everything was ready for the article!

So if you happen to advance and € 1 on newsstands, you know that from today on March 12 on page 314 number of Cosmopolitan talking about me ... Just do not add anything else ... Run on sale!

Let us now turn to ' Mt Challenge this month ... The darling of the blog Tery Peppers and Potatoes , winner of the challenge in February chose a recipe on which the challenge is not just easy to make ... But after the initial discomfort of a leavened with that never went over well, and after breakfast with warm milk and yeast (which I assure you is' Proven experience that goes ;-)) I literally rolled up their sleeves and for about 1 hour and 15 I had to do with a mixture initially very hard, but then very slowly and allow time to model it ... The result?!
Here ...

Reasons to try this recipe?!
1) 's too good;
2) When mixing by hand and following the advice of Tery you learn to string and rub the mixture;
3)La soddisfazione data dal risultato ottenuto è notevole;
4)E' una ricetta versatile e sia nella versione dolce che in quella salata è assolutamente da provare;
5)E' una ricetta che può essere presentata in mille modi diversi e non si farà mai brutta figura;

Veniamo alla ricetta?! Praticamente è quella di  Tery   con qualche piccola aggiustamento.


Per l’impasto(di 20 palline di danubio)
  • 500gr di farina (300gr manitoba, 200gr farina 00)
  • 170gr di latte 
  • 3 tuorli ed 1 uovo intero
  • 20 gr di burro salato(in mancanza utilizzare burro normale and add 1 teaspoon of salt)
  • 10g fresh yeast 70g sugar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 80g lard
  • grated rind of one ; lemon bio
For the filling:
To the lemon custard:
  • 2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons flour 00;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • a piece of bark of a lemon, untreated
To brush:
  • milk taste
To decorate:
  • icing sugar to taste
Prepare the cream

Mix well the egg yolks with sugar, obtaining a very creamy. Add flour and mix well. In a saucepan warm the milk. Add milk little by little on the compound of egg transfer everything in a saucepan filtering everything through a sieve to prevent lumps. Now cut a piece of lemon peel (for the size you regulator, based on what you want to know that the cream of lemon) taking care not to cut into the white under the skin (which would make the cream bitter). Wash it and put it in the pot.
Turn heat to low heat and bring the cream to a boil, stirring continuously.
When the cream is thick switch off, and pour into a dish, immediately removing the lemon zest.
Once the cream into the pot will be turned from time to time to avoid formation of the "skins" on the surface.

Prepare the dough
dough by hand:
Dissolve yeast in warm milk together the teaspoon of honey. Once melted add the flour previously sifted and begin to knead.
Combine the egg inside and 2 egg yolks, sugar, lemon zest and mix until absorbed (dough unmanageable at first, but with eggs absorbed everything returns to normal).
Now add the last egg and let the mixture absorb completely.
When the eggs are completely blended, add the lard and butter in 3 times and rub the mixture to absorb it.
Per frizionare, mettete l'impasto sul piano e con il fondo del palmo della mano destra, premete l'impasto e spingerlo in avanti come se dovesse essere steso. Con la mano sinistra impugnare una spatola a triangolo con la quale ammucchiare di nuovo l’impasto verso se stessi. Girare l'impasto di 90° e continuare a frizionare finchè tutto il burro e lo strutto non saranno assorbiti completamente.

A questo punto bisogna far incordare l'impasto. Per farlo si dovrà battere l'impasto sulla spianatoia.
Prendere l'impasto da un lato, batterlo sulla spianatoia in modo da farlo allungare. Poi, prendere i lembi dough you have in your hand, fold sull'impasto that has stretched on a work surface, turn 90 degrees, hold the right hand side and continue beating. Repeat until the dough begins to shorten. Now do the test on the veil, that is remove a small piece of dough and roll it out until it is able to see the transparency. If it breaks before you get to this point should continue to knead.

Form a ball and allow to rise until doubled in a bowl covered by a towel in warm oven.
Trascorso il tempo necessario (circa 2 ore), sgonfiare l'impasto e formare un salsicciotto. Da questo ricavarne tanti pezzetti da circa 30 grammi ciascuno, schiacciarli con le mani e formare dei dischi. Porvi al centro un cucchiaino di crema pasticcera e un cucchiaino di marmellata di limoni.
Chiudere i dischi sigillandoli sul fondo in modo da formare un paninetto. Nel sigillare, cercare di stendere la superficie della pasta in modo da non formare grinze e avere un effetto liscio.

Formare tutte le palline, imburrare ogni cavità di due teglie per muffin da 12 posti ciascuna e disporre una pallina in ciascuna cavità.
Far lievitare fino al raddoppio di nuovo in forno tiepido.
Spennellate con del latte e infine procedere alla cottura in forno caldo a 200° per 12 minuti circa.
Sfornare, cospargere di zucchero a velo e servire. 

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Technically, the conditions for failure at school were all of Marcellus.

The dysfunctional family: father in prison sentences with heavy mother who worked late into the night as a waitress in a nightclub, and that took care of him and his younger brother for a short time and with little charisma.
The shelter that was not there where the boy was asleep, it was not clear. Sometimes his aunt, the sister of mother, sometimes by his maternal grandmother, with a young uncle, under house arrest, which kept him company, sometimes at home mom, from which it came and went with the freedom of an adult.
Finally, the frequency school irregularly, at best, Marc went to school three days a week.

All this I have been clear from the first days of school, the boy entering sixth grade. When the mother of Marcellus, with a candor matched only by its clear, disarming inability to sustain the role of mother, once told me the sad litany of its history. Confirmed a few weeks later, the phone call from a social worker with the thankless task of monitoring the situation of Marcellus. "Why, you understand doctor, otherwise the Court will take action ..."

The school situation is difficult: the boy often insulting teachers, threatening or bad companions. So all of a sudden, for no apparent reason. Does not carry books and notebooks. In and out of the classroom according to his fancy. Marcello simply not there. It does not belong to the ordered world of the school.
We strive to give the school supplies. Books, books, colors. The unique technology colleague gave him a folder containing complete in all material, ripping out the hint, swallowed quickly, a smile of astonishment. Why Marcello has a beautiful head, understands everything, it is very good. But, as we say in scuolese does not apply to almost anything.

E there continues to be. The talks intensified with the mother. The lady is on time, meetings required. His imposing physical presence highlights an equally obvious lack of role.
After yet another interview, asked to leave early because Marcello must take to the doctor for a check. Marcello sees, looks with disdain and said "idiot" ... The lady with the look of the animal used to receive shots, tells me that the guy is angry with her because her father is in prison. Because she is now separated from her husband: "Only that I am ashamed to send him a divorce in prison ..."

Meanwhile, day after day, becoming more sharply defined contours of loneliness and desperation of nomad Marcello: his absences are often unknown to her mother, aunt, a social worker. Social worker who gives an ultimatum to the lady or the little boy comes to school and a "homeless" or he will open the doors of a house / family.
mother swearing: it moved, the brothers have even their own room in the new shelter. But Marcello, school continues not to be seen. And when it is a failure. The teachers and the signed record their immense powerlessness in the face of aggression sore boy.
What is promptly rejected. And in September, with an instance of the Juvenile Court, is placed in a home / family and placed in another school, closer to the new structure / shelter.
that remains of Marcellus, a mountain of guilt.
The feeling of not doing enough .. I had to work harder, I had to call more, I should smile more.
Maybe we could all smile more. But he's got put to great not to be loved. He walked with a gait fleece, similar to that of a mischievous little monkey: shoulders hunched, his arms hanging down along her body, small and thin, just eleven years old boy. Just as hard and brittle. With a perpetual grin of defiance.
I have left of him ... A memory that hurts.
And the drawing of a dog. What I got after an interview. With a hint, now hidden by a superior smile.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Goes Neck Boat Trailer


Miami, March 11, 2011 - Riccardo Simoneschi at the helm of the Audi Melges 24, dopo quattro regate sale al secondo posto della classifica generale. E’ partita con oltre 20 nodi di vento da nord la seconda giornata della Bacardi Cup, un campo di regata quello odierno dominato da salti di vento anche di 45° che hanno messo a dura prova la tattica dell’Audi Melges 24 di Riccardo Simoneschi che ha portato a casa un 4 – 2 -5 salendo al secondo posto della classifica generale a 9 punti da Uka Uka di Bressani e precedendo di 6 punti Full Throttler.

“Come annunciato dalle previsioni – ha raccontato Lucia Giorgetti, prodiera di Audi Melges 24 – è stata una giornata caratterizzata da vento da nord: pesante e oltre ai 20 nodi questa morning and then decline towards the end of the third round today. Wind from the north to the Miami equivalent of many jumps and lots of holes - said Lucia Giorgetti - and the tactic becomes especially difficult stern as it happened to us during the first round when the first of a wind shift we finished fourth. We still redone during the second trial when a sixth uncomfortable position we were able to make a beautiful recovery aft cutting the second arrival. The worst test today - concluded Lucia Giorgetti - was surely the last stable situation when the wind dropped about 6 knots and we were stuck on the right side of the last upwind leg while crews were on the left side we have passed and we cut the arrival of the fifth bit position. "

To date, Audi Melges 24 is second with 14 points, 9 more than Bressani dominating the overall standings, Full Throttler, WTF , Hedgehog, Blue Moon and Air Force1 are all very close and with the three tests tomorrow the whole ranking is still under discussion.

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Jibeho the App Pelaschier Besana and teaching you to sail

E 'online Apple store Jibeho (which means "gybed" in English), the application of Pelaschier Mauro Davide Besana that explains how to make major moves in the race with a series of cartoons in sequence.

L'applicazione si scarica gratuitamente e funziona su iphone, iPod touch e iPad e funziona ovunque senza bisogno di ulteriori connessioni.

Questa prima edizione e' disponibile in italiano e triestino, quindi oltre che a strambare vi insegna pure un po' di triestino, o di italiano, dipende da voi.

Ovviamente i due autori non si sono limitati a descrivere le manovre ma hanno utilizzato il linguaggio colorito che usano tutti i velisti del mondo, quindi sara' apprezzata anche da chi in barca ci va poco o punto.

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Tuttovela, the Village of Sailing of the Naval Academy Trophy & The City of

Livorno. Anche quest’anno il Trofeo Accademia Navale & Città di Livorno, evento internazionale che da più di un quarto di secolo assicura agonismo, fascino e perfetta sinergia tra Marina Militare, Accademia Navale, Villaggio Tuttovela, Livorno e Circoli Nautici labronici, catalizzerà l’attenzione di tutti gli appassionati di Vela.
Dal 9 al 17 aprile, infatti, le acque labroniche saranno grandi protagoniste di sfide all’ultimo bordo grazie ai numerosi equipaggi di tutte le età provenienti da ogni parte del mondo: le migliori vele d’Altura Irc e Orc con the most titled teams of national and international sailing scene, derivatives Optimist, 470, Trident, O'pen Bic, Europe, 2.4mR, Martin 16 ', Dream RS Feva, fascinating Sails Historical increasing number of Viareggio and J24, X35 and the Melges 24 will compete in races offering two spectacular weekend of racing of the highest level.

But the show will not only be in water: the many events held April 7 to 17 in Tuttovela "The Village of Sail" will involve not only sailors but the many visitors who will choose from a scene of great events of that meeting, conferences, exhibitions, social and cultural moments reserved for smaller, galas, cabaret shows, concerts and more. tan, with the acronym is now known as the event now in its twenty-eighth edition, and Tuttovela two events are linked and inseparable, united in order to create moments of athleticism and entertainment every year more exciting, a real benchmark not only for sailing enthusiasts, but for an audience each year steadily increasing.

On days when it takes place Tuttovela, Porto Mediceo completely changes appearance, enhanced with color, of energy, environment, music and new experiences thanks to the thousands of products offered by exhibitors from all over Italy and Europe. While waiting for the official opening of Tuttovela you can visit it at least in a virtual way: from a few days, in fact, has been updated site dedicated to the Village of Sailing ( ) where you can try all the useful information (last year the website had recorded more than 800 000 hits), to be updated on developments of the side events, or choose to stay during the festival.

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days ago at point-blank ask a friend who is in Elba: "How big is your island?" Well, a little 'over Palermo ... " With about 30,000 residents in the winter, as well as 300,000 in the summer. In front of 700,000 in Palermo, fairly stable.

Hence a comparison fast, between Palermo and noisy little fond of rules and Elba, closed nature by isolating the nth degree, a bit 'guinea a bit' racist. So inclined to speak out loud, at any time. Just like a Palermo.

meanders on the broad vowels, so southern and "candles", the colorful Tuscan cursing, thrown down without any restraint, but without excessive malice.
The chat with his friend ends with a shared reflection: after all, in the world, there are islands that closed and invisible, are not always separated from the rest of the world.
The miracle is, perhaps, one: when the islands can, together, to talk.

Maria D'Asaro (published in "Centonove" 11-3-2011)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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'Winter' s Sailing Marina di Ravenna at the final parade

will be one of the great ceremonial rooms of the restaurant "La Campaza" to host a traditional ceremony dell'invernale 2010 2011. A time to gather to celebrate, to review the images to comment on the calm, various episodes that occurred during this event that moves the important numbers: the seven days provided (with 6 races) about 130 boats that competed in all the tests, about twenty members only a few tests, 4 boats at sea and about 1000 sailors who participated.

and Saturday, from 15.00, the 1,000 sailors will gather for an "edge" that will be win-win, because after having handed over the trophies to the top three winners in each category, there will be prizes raffled among all the participants present. We add to this festive time the local authorities, those responsible for the area of \u200b\u200bFIV and of course all the staff on the ground, at sea and the race committee. It will be a moment to thank all of the collaboration including the Maritime and Sailing Club.

ARE YOU A DIVA is the first Byzantine of the Congregation in Class 1 2 ORC and ORC in the Overall standings, while ORC 3 wins Lunic Franco Costa, Edgardo YANKEE ORC 4 Gulminelli.

In groups A is the first Open in WADADLI Andrea Amati, in Open C WITZ Marco Dalla Rosa, in Open D OVERALL MARINARA Michele Capra, in Open E EMYTOO Caesar's living room, Open F THE STRAWBERRY Giangrandi of caves, in Open G Setti Shear Terror and living room, while in the Blue Sail 24 wins salt Vito Angelini.

In the White Sails A SOPHIE Enrico Bruzzone, White Sails B LUPA SEA Gabriele Ceccaroni, White Sails C RED ROSE Emilio Virgili, White Sails Tecno B ONE'S Massimo Onestini, White Sails Tecno C SEVENTH HEAVEN Bruno Casadio.

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Sailing AUDI MELGES 24 Riccardo Simoneschi OF THE THIRD CUP BACARDI

Miami, March 10, 2011 - Riccardo Simoneschi at the helm of the Audi Melges 24 has finished third in the first race day of the Bacardi Cup High technical level of the Melges 30 crews Miami and 24 in water at very high technical level of the test by Riccardo Simoneschi, at the helm, that only thanks to the important work of preparation and the testing done so far with Gabriele Benussi, Vittorio Rossi, Lucia Giorgetti and Michael Cannon was able to transform the seventh place in the first part of the race in an excellent third behind the arrival and Uka Uka Wtf.

“Abbiamo regatato con un vento regolare sugli 8/10 nodi - ha raccontato Simoneschi al termine della prima prova – in partenza c’è stato un notevole buono in boa che non ci ha permesso di partire benissimo e alla prima boa abbiamo virato settimi. Dal secondo lato è iniziato il recupero è abbiamo concluso al terzo posto dopo un bel testa a testa con Uka Uka di Bressani che ci ha preceduto di pochi metri. Il livello dei timonieri e tattici è davvero molto alto – ha continuato Simoneschi - il secondo posto è stato di WTF del campione nord americano Alan Field, e subito dietro a noi Full Throttler con a bordo Harry Melges seguito da Alec Cutler, il porta colori delle Bermuda nei Finn alle ultime Olimpiadi, al sesto instead of the Americans and the Seventh Air Force 1 Blue Moon carrying Favini and Ivaldi. The tests - concluded Simoneschi - made to date on materials and work crew harmony are giving their results even if we have more work in preparation ration Melges 24 World Championship which will be played in a couple of months in Texas. "

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La Compagnia della Vela Grosseto 'Next All '

This weekend the staff of the Society of Sailing will be at Grosseto 'Get All', the exhibition of the sea, now in its second edition. Will set up a pool where demonstrations will alternate windsurfing, catamaran and sup. Also present with RRD International his staff.
This is the program:
- Friday, March 11: at 16.00-17.00 "beyond the confines of the shore" show of stand up padding for beginners in its applications with paddle or sail (PHILIP MARETTE instructor ISA support and MARCO Iazzetta windsurfing instructor FIV);
- Saturday, March 12: at 11.00-12.00 "IN THE FAST SAILING CATAMARAN" lecture assembly and tuning of the catamaran for small pupils (BRUNO Iazzetta instructor FIV catamaran):
- at 16.00 to 17.00 "windsurfing, TOOL FOR IMPROVING SKILLS 'MOTOR' demonstration of a practical lesson with young students (PHILIP MARETTI e MARCO IAZZETTA istruttori FIV windsurf );
- ore 17,00 - 18,00 " SUP CRUISING" dimostrazione pratica di una lezione base di sup(PAOLO MARCONI istruttore ISA di surf e sup);
- Domenica 13 marzo: ore 11,00 - 12,00 " SURF CORE E FITNESS" dimostrazione pratica di applicazione del sup per il fitness(FILIPPO LANDINI e GIULIA REIS istruttori di yoga e pilates );
- ore 14,00 " PROVE PRATICHE ASSISTITE", aperto al pubblico.

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Minialtura National Championship - Desenzano del Garda 1 / 3 April 2011

La Federazione Italiana Vela indice dal 1° al 3 aprile 2011il Campionato Nazionale Orc Minialtura Area Laghi, organizzato dalla Fraglia Vela Desenzano in collaborazione con il Gruppo Nautico Dielleffe Desenzano, l’Unione Vela Altura Italiana e la XIV Zona FIV dal 1° al 3 aprile 2011. Sono ammesse tutte le barche con caratteristiche di Minialtura (Sportboat), in possesso di un valido Certificato di Rating ORC International o Club. Per le Classi Monotipo già in possesso di un valido certificato di monotipia, potrà essere rilasciato un rating certificato da un regolare documento.

Per appartenere alla categoria Minialtura (Sportboat) le imbarcazioni dovranno essere monoscafi semicabinati a deriva fissa zavorrata (se mobile dovrà essere bloccata racing) with LOA greater than 6 meters. and less than 10 meters., displacement (DSPL) \u0026lt;2000 kg, a report RDL = (27.87 x DISP) / L3 ≤ 170, with no harnesses or terraces trellis designed to shift the weight of the crew overboard. In case of questionable compliance the Commission's interpretation shall prevail IVF / Class Association UVAI. Classes will be admitted: Blusail24, Este24, Dolphin81, First8, Fun, ILC25, J22, J24, J80, Melges24, Platu25, Protagonist7.5, Surprise, UFO22, etc ...

All Italian owners, although not part of the crew, and regular members of Italian crews must IVF and in compliance with prescriptions. The program provides up to five races with triangular course in the Gulf of Desenzano with warning signal of the first race set for Saturday, April 2 at 8:30 am. The award ceremony will take place Sunday, April 3 at the end of the compilation of the charts.

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Sailing: At the start of the season on the Mini 650 Andrea Pendibene Intermatica

Grande Motte (France), March 10: missing a few days at the start of Mini Golf (12-13 March), the first season of intense racing Andrea Pendibene. The athlete Viareggio, on board the Mini 6.50 Intermatica ENG 520, has before it five races in France and in Italy, before the highlight of the year: The Transat 6.50 to start 'from La Rochelle, France, on September 25. After a winter of workouts Pendibene Andrea is ready at the start of Mini Golf, 100-mile solo race, with departure and return from La Grande Motte (France), in which race, last year, Andrea was ranked in second place.

Pendibene, reached by telephone in France said: "After a long winter of training at the Centre d'Entrainement Formula Medicine and the Mediterranean, finally starting the races. I can not wait to confront opponents and see the result of hard work. Intermatica ENG 520, after the usual work development, and 'ready and has a good pace. The races of this 2011 will be preparation for the approach on which I focus on two years: the Transat 6.50. I'm excited and looking forward to the fateful date draws closer. I thank the sponsors and technical suppliers who have been at my side during this period and that allowed me to just focus on the preparation. "

After Mini Golf, the program includes participation in the Grand Prix d ' Italy, racing 540 miles of double-organized by the Italian Yacht Club April 16 to 22. This will be the only Italian event to which Andrew Pendibene take part in 2011. Last year, Andrew won the GP of Italy in duplicate on the French Nicolas Beranger, but Andrea will participate this year in tandem with the Spaniard Juan Carlos Oliva, a specialist in another class. Immediately after Pendibene will be back 'in French waters for the Chrono 650, to be held in Lorient, France, May 27 to 29, will follow the Trophee Marie Agnes Peron (Douarnenez, France, from June 9 to 11) and the Mini Fastnet June 19 to 25, the hardest race of over 600 miles reserved for the Mini 6.50 class with the challenging path Douarnenez - Fastnet Rock - Douarnenez. July and August are also months of preparation in view of the objective Transat 6.50. The famous transatlantic participate, along with Andrew, as many as 11 Italians and one audience of sailors of the highest competitive level.

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last March 8 queue today my students will present profiles of some Italian women who have made the history.
One of these is Maria Montessori. First woman doctor in Italy. First female educator who has shown that children are not deficient or lost.

Maria Montessori was born in Clairvaux, in Italy. It was the first Italian female physician in the modern era. He led a humble goal: to try to educate the "idiots" and "non-educable" in Rome. He opened his first school in Rome, January 6, 1907. The Montessori Method

that resulted from that experience was later applied to children and has become famous in many parts of the world. Despite criticism during the years 1930 and 1940, his method was then applied in a stable manner.

In 1907 the Montessori founded the first Casa dei Bambini in Rome. In 1913, his method had some interest in North America, which later waned. Nancy McCormick Rambusch resumed his use of the method in America, founded the American Montessori Society in 1960. Montessori was exiled by Mussolini in india for the duration of World War II, mainly because she refused to change his principles and educate children to become soldiers. He lived the rest of his life in Holland, which is now the headquarters of the AMI, or Association Montessori Internationale. Died in Noordwijk aan Zee, May 6, 1952. Her son Mario headed the AMI until his death in 1982.


addition to the new pedagogy, other contributions of Montessori education are: *

group instruction for children of 3 years, in relation to certain periods of development (example: 3-5, 6-9, and 9-12 years) *
children as full beings, encouraged to make decisions
* observation of the child in the environment as a basis for future development (presentation di esercizi per lo sviluppo delle abilità e dell'apprendimento delle informazioni)
* mobili a misura di bambino e creazione di un ambiente a misura di bambino (microcosmo) nel quale ognuno può svilppuare un mondo a se stante
* partecipazione dei genitori per la cura della salute e dell'igiene come pre requisito per la scuola
* definizione di una scala di periodi dello sviluppo, che metta in rilevo che è necessario stimolare e motivare il bambino (incluso periodi per lo sviluppo del linguaggio, esperimenti sensoriali e vari livelli di interazione sociale)
* Importanza della "mente assorbente", la motivazione senza limiti del bambino ad apprendere competenze nel suo ambiente di sviluppo e a svilppuare le proprie capacità that occur in every period of development. The phenomenon is characterized by the ability of the child to repeated activities (eg the stuttering as an exercise in language that could lead to a future development) *
materials "self learning" and self-correction (some based on the work of Itard and Seguin)

During the 90s, Maria Montessori was pictured on the bill by replacing Marco Polo Italian lire 1000, until Italy adopted the Euro.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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the Audi Melges 24 Sailing Team Riccardo Simoneschi TO BACARDI CUP Sunday

Milan, March 8, 2011 - Continue to participate in the Bacardi Cup practice phase of the Audi Melges 24 Sailing Team Riccardo Simoneschi in preparation for the World to be held in May in Texas in Corpus Christi.

In water with Riccardo Simoneschi: Gabriele Benussi (tactics), Vittorio Rosso (tailer), Michael Cannon (halyard) and Lucia Giorgetti (bow).

Bacardi Cup, as happened to the Miami Winter Regatta, will be taken another step test for the harmony of the new crew, new materials used for sails and masts, all new solutions to further improve the performance of the Audi Melges 24 Sailing Team.

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taken on Sunday at 9 and 30 from the port of Bogliaco spring-summer 2000, the Circolo Vela Gargnano. The challenge will be the 33rd Trofeo Roberto Bianchi, reserved for race one-design fleets (Ace 99, Fun, Protagonist, Melges 20, Dolphin Mr-CVG, and others). The event will remember Roberto Bianchi, asserted manufacturer and designer, among the first in Italy to use the fiberglass with the famous "Aleir", a super Fd who won two podiums in absolute Centomiglia the late '60s with the crew of brothers Magrograssi, sailors Gargnano champions Italy with the Olympic FD in 1968. The path of the trophy White provides an average "long distance" (just under 13 miles, approximately 25 km) route-Champion Gargnano, Step up to the place (but the bank Lombard ) in front of the 'Island Trimelone with arrival and departure from the port of Marina di Bogliaco 2000 in the village of Gargnano Bogliaco.

Sarà una regata dal sapore storico-artistico visto che l’isolotto del Trimelone ricorda il manifesto del Futurismo. Su questo lembo di terra Marinetti, Boccioni, Erba, Sironi, Funi, Russolo, Sant’Elia e compagnia, trascorsero, infatti, buona parte del periodo nel primo conflitto mondiale. Tornando alle gare della stagione del Circolo Vela Gargnano, il 9 aprile in collaborazione con la 14a Zona di Federvela promuoverà il Campionato Studentesco per la provincia e la città di Brescia. Per l'occasione sono previste iniziative promozionali legate al progetto Velascuole, co promosso con il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. il 1° maggio la classe Optimist dei velisti “Under 15″ si ritroverà al porticciolo di Bogliaco per il “33° trofeo Antonio Danesi”. Dal 21 al 22 maggio sarà la volta della ambita “Gentlemen’s Cup”, la gara internazionale per monotipi riservata ai timonieri-armatori.

Questa regata saluterà anche i velisti del vecchio Continente che dal 24 al 29 maggio parteciperanno all’European Access Class, il campionato d’Europa per i velisti con disabilità motore, importante progetto che vedrà coinvolte realtà come “Eos la vela per tutti” di Verona, “Archè” di Trento, “Hyak Onlus” del Cps e dell’Aod di Desenzano del Garda, la Fondazione ASM di Brescia. In gara, in rappresentanza for Italy, there is the maximum torque Dams and Paola Protopapa (Canoe Aniene of Rome), skipper ocean, Andrea Stella Vicenza, Verona skipper Luca Mantovani. In September will be the turn of events of the 61st Centomiglia of Lake Garda: September 4 will take place the 45th and 50th Trofeo Gorla Miles for multi hulls 11 and 12 September the 61st-Centomiglia Sailing Trophy Count Alessandro Bettoni, the 6th-MultiCento Giorgio Zuccoli Trophy, the CentoPeople for boats and recreational projects velaterapia. On September 25, will return to the "5th Childrenwindcup, race and end of the summer festival, sponsored by Children's Hospital of Brescia Association Child hematologic.

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Sailing Platu 25 - 'END OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP WINTER DEER Memorial Stefano Pirini

Fifteen races in six days, from late October to first Sunday in March: in the waters of Milano Marittima have sparked exciting challenges - from the guaranteed formula of monotype - between Memorial Pirini protagonists twenty boats, divided between J24 and Platu 25. In terms of Platu 25, the check Vincenzo Arienti on "Boomerang Heritage" with a single point of detachment from Francesco Valicelli on "Vis" with an alternation of first and second places collected by Boomerang Heritage, in the first half of the season, and Vis in the second half. The Cervia Ravenna to snatch victory against which, since beginning of the season, it was on an exciting fight for first place. Closing the podium, Gianluca Conti on "Terme di Cervia", followed by seven other ships. Regarding the classification valid for the 2011 Ranking dell'invernale Cervia, drawn up by 8 ° to 15 ° proof in the general classification, so see this first "Vis", which in 2011 won a greater number of first places than "Boomerang Heritage" and in third place, "Terme di Cervia.
To learn more about the rank and complete ranking of the 2011 go to:

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supplement of "La non-violence and 'on the way", Number 290, March 9, 2011


Since feminism and all received all the consciousness that you and 'one humanity', made up of people all different from one another and all equal in rights. From all
feminism and all will be aware that personal and political sphere are not separated by an abyss: we are always human beings. Since feminism
all and all we got if from the consciousness of '. From all
feminism and all receive the conscience of the encounter with the other. From all
feminism and all will be aware that it is' the birth, the experience and the category that founds the human community, the human knowledge. From all
feminism and all will be aware that the plurality ', and therefore the relationship, and' mode 'of mankind's existence'. From all
feminism and all will be aware that bodies matter, that we are our bodies. From all
feminism and all will be aware that any form of authoritarianism, all forms of militarism, any form of dogmatism already bears' denial of human rights of all human beings. From all
feminism and all will be aware that the first root of social and violent relationships and the plot 'in machismo and patriarchy. From all
feminism and all will be aware that only non-violence is contrary to the violence that only the good overcomes evil, that only love is opposed to the death, which only allows you to listen to the word. From all
feminism and all will be aware that common task, and 'create and protect life, taking care of people and the world for the sake of the people and the world. From all
feminism and all will be aware that the common task and 'oppose any oppression, exploitation at every at every injustice, every humiliation, every denial of humanity ', for any destruction of the biosphere. From all
feminism and all will be aware that only the art of compassion underlying the fight for freedom.

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The Italian has the Finn Class sailing season 2011

Rome, March 8 - The activity of the Finn class this year promises to Italian very eventful and interesting features, starting with the selections run by IVF for the athlete who will represent the Finn at the 2012 London Olympics. It will certainly be exciting to see the fight between the protagonists Michele Paoletti, Giorgio Poggi, Riccardo Cordovani, Filippo Baldassari and Marko Kolic.

An extraordinary event will then be the Finn World Masters (Cup del Mondo riservato ai finnisti over 40) che si svolgerà dal 10 al 17 giugno a Punta Ala per l’organizzazione del Circolo Velico Cala Civette, con base logistica presso il Camping Puntala. Si prevede la partecipazione di circa 300 Finn, per una regata che si prepara a battere tutti i record di partecipazione per questa gloriosa classe olimpica. Ad oggi, a oltre tre mesi dall’inizio dell’evento, le preiscrizioni sono già 180 da 20 nazioni!

Come sempre la classe Finn parteciperà al Campionato Italiano Classi Olimpiche, che quest’anno si disputerà a fine settembre sul Lago di Garda, mentre il Campionato Italiano Master – Trofeo Sergio Masserotti, is scheduled for early September in Porto San Giorgio, the organization of the local section of the Italian Naval League.

The event as always will give continuity and thickness of class activities in Italy and the Italian Cup Finn, now in its twelfth year in 2011. There are seven weekends of racing from March to October in various Italian towns, with the participation of about 130 sailors between Italians and foreigners, who will battle to win the trophy currently held by the Garda Marko Kolic. The first step is to be held in Scarborough from 11th to March 13th for the Marina di Scarlino Finn Trophy, a new manifestation of an international character which have given different accession foreign sailors.

Calendar Finn Cup Italy 2011 is as follows:
March Scarborough 11-12-13 - Club Nautico Scarlino
Anzio March 26 to 27 - Sailing Club of Rome
Caldaro April 16 to 17 - Sailing Association Kalterer
Grade 7 to 8 May - Rowing Club Ausonia
May 21 to 22 Viareggio - Viareggio Sailing Club
July 2 to 3 Bracciano - Sailing Association Bracciano
30 Sept.-2 Oct. Malcesine - Malcesine Sail Fraglia